La marecage, motif pour papier paint

La marecage, motif pour papier paint, Fine Art
La marecage, motif pour papier paint

Fine Art    18 x 24    CA$1,200.00   

Supporting evidence Forgery is genuine/ how you came into ownership
Thought to have been an original decorative design for wall coverings in the small library of Gertrude Steins companion Alice, it was deemed by Stein to be "too green". Matisse was said to have rejected any further efforts from Ms. Stein. Their acrimonious relationship was legend.

Masterpiece Auction price
Great Forgery Master's name
Year "Masterpiece" was created
Artist statement
I was inspired by an interest in the work of Matisse, to learn more about his style, and too have fun with the theme of this show.
oil on canvas