The Firebird

The Firebird, Fine Art
The Firebird

Fine Art    36 x 18 x 1.5    CA$550.00   

Supporting evidence Forgery is genuine/ how you came into ownership
My mother was Patricia Neary the principal ballerina in the New York Production of Stravinsky's, 'The Firebird'. in 1945, Marc Chagall designed the costumes for this production using colourful materials that were beautiful under the lights but impossible for movement. When my mother, Patricia complained that the orange bodice of her costume was itchier than fish scales, Mr. Chagall was furious! He called my mother a spoiled pycanka, (mermaid in Russian). When Patricia returned for dress rehearsal, he attached a fin to the bottom of her tutu. Not to be outwitted by this artist, my mother danced in her fin. The crew and audience were in stitches! This dance inspired Marc Chagall to paint "The Firebird". It has been above the fireplace in our family home since 1945.
Masterpiece Auction price
Great Forgery Master's name
Marc Chagall
Year "Masterpiece" was created
Artist statement
I love the hilarity of Marc Chagall's flying goats. They're funny and romantic. Being from Sooke, I thought it would be funny to replace the goats with singing sea lions.
Acrylic on Canvas