Still life with fruit and flowers.

Still life with fruit and flowers., Fine Art
Still life with fruit and flowers.

Fine Art    10 x 12    CA$200.00   

Supporting evidence Forgery is genuine/ how you came into ownership
The painting came down the maternal line of my family, from my great grandmother down to me. After spending most of its life at the bottom of a trunk, I realized what it was after briefly studying art history. Note the use of short, perpendicular or parallel strokes - hatching and cross hatching - to create form, weight and space, the partial outline of some of the elements, the palatte, including signature colours such as viridian and cobalt blue. There is no doubt in my mind that this is an original Cezanne.
Masterpiece Auction price
Great Forgery Master's name
Paul Cezanne
Year "Masterpiece" was created
Artist statement
I was inspired by the works of Paul Cezanne and a desire to expand my own painting style particularly with the use of brush strokes to create form.
Oil on board